Molle Mystery Theater – Ladies In Retirement, AFRS. 460118

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: An installment of the Mystery Playhouse. An aging woman in a flaming red wig sings on the stage, a ghost of a time gone by. Albert butters Ellie up to cover a petty debt. The kind hearted old Ellie seems to be an easy mark for people with needs, or a hand out. How much of a drain on her emotional energy can she take? What might happen when she reaches her breaking point? <br> Ellie is good at taking up the slack for the moochers around her, and keeping their secrets. When Alfred and Lucy sneak around, looking for ways to steal just a little more from the old gal, they stumble on a few secrets that Ellie had been keeping. What skeletons have they inadvertently dredged out of her closet? <br> What next? Blackmail? More murder? Who can be trusted? Will Lucy and Alfred be in danger over the secrets they learned? <br> <br>