Ep. 112 – Widget Live Beta 2.5

The Widget: Games, Tech, Whatever show

Summary: The Widget: Games, Tech, Whatever... NOW IN COLOR! Our giant debut live video show thing. We apologize in advance for shattering anyone's dreams about what we look like. Show notes below. Tech/Hardware News: Apple (WWDC): iOS 6 Previewed MBP w/Retina Display Apple releases dedicated Podcast app for iOS Chinese iPad trademark suit settled for $60 million First App Store malware found. Google (IO 2012): Nexus Q media hub (for $299!?) Nexus7 7” tablet running Android 4.1 Project Glass Demonstration Chrome hits iOS. Google Drive hits over 10 million users. Microsoft (Surface Announcement): Surface tablet. Bill Gates gives it the thumbs up but HP reportedly dumps plans for Win RT tablet following Surface announcement. MS believe tablets will outsell PC’s in 2013. Windows Phone 8 Windows 8 early upgrade pricing at $40 for download, $70 for media. No Small Business of Home Server versions of Windows Server 2012. Smartphones Record quarterly profits of £3.8 Billion/$5.9 Billion for Samsung and now the worlds biggest smartphone manufacturer. As a consequence HTC suffers. Rumours of Amazon about to enter the smartphone market too. Patent Wars - Who cares anymore. Galaxy Nexus pulled off the market due to copyright claim from Apple. Then it comes back, but Google unsure for how long. AMD 7970 Gigahertz Edition Released. Fastest single GPU card available but there is a reason why. nVidia Colorful planning a passively cooled GTX 680. Craziness! Adobe Pulls the plug on Flash for mobile. Mozilla Firefox OS (Boot2Gecko) to release in 2013 for mobile phones Ceases all development on the Thunderbird mail client. EU Court Rulings ACTA anti-piracy agreement denied by EU. EU rules in favour of UsedSoft in case of reselling Oracle digital licences. Gaming News: Nintendo announces 3DS XXXL; Circle Pad Pro (massive edition) coming as well. Nintendo Wii-U tech specs. Sony purchases Gaikai for $380 million after seeing Bulletstorm on the Google Chromebox at IO 2012. Microsoft Xbox 8? Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC arrives. Nights HD to arrive in the fall.