Box 13 – The Dowager and Dan Holiday. 490116.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: An old woman writes for help from Box 13, but only if the owner of the box is a man, and meets her qualifications. The old woman is very wealthy and a known recluse, and of course Dan Holiday's curiosity is peaked. <br> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br> The eccentric lady interrogates Dan, and she's not a woman who is used to do anything but give orders with the expectation of having them followed. She is scanty with what exactly Dan is to do, other than just show up at a dinner and show no signs that any of her behavior isn't shocking to him. The dinner is one with her grandson, and his female companion. The old lady suspects the girl only wants the grandson's inheritance, and has a plan devised to force the girlfriend to show her true colors. <br> In her own way she really cares for her grandson's happiness, and just wants him to be careful. To demonstrate, she arranges a similar situation by having Dan pose as her younger lover.The grandson suddenly gets a taste of what it feels like to have a gold digger horning in on grandma's money. When grandma wears her family jewels on the town, they come up lost, but found in Dan's apartment. <br> There's a definite power play between grandma and grandson, and it has Dan confused as to why he is stuck in the middle. To cover the angles, Dan confronts the girlfriend. Is she really such a gold digger? Did the grandson swipe the jewels to finance his elopement? Is grandma holding back on her reasons for wearing the jewels? The whole set up involves some fake diamonds. So who did what to who? <br> It's a matter of everybody holding a fragment of the truth, and it takes Dan to put the pieces together. In the end it all shakes out for a happy ending when Dan solves the mystery. <br>