172 How To Split Test Your Book Title Ideas With Facebook Ads

Novel Marketing show

Summary: In this episode we are going to talk about how to Split Test your book covers, blurbs and book titles using Facebook ads.<br> Question from Patron Mary Hamilton<br> “On this week’s podcast, [Thomas] talked about A/B testing. If you haven’t already, could you do an episode on that? I get the idea generally, but don’t quite understand how it’s set up.”<br> Intro<br> We are about to teach you a technique so advanced, even most publishers don’t use it.<br> So what is a split test?<br> We are not talking about surveys!<br> Surveys Are Less Effective Than Split Tests<br> <br> * People pay to close attention which changes the results. You want real world results.<br> * What people “like” and what people click on are not the same.<br> * The survey often asks too few people and often the wrong people. You don’t want to test your book title on hundreds of people, you want to test it on tens of thousands of people.<br> <br> What You Can Test With The Split Test Method<br> <br> * Book Titles<br> * Book Covers<br> * Book Blurbs<br> <br> Why This is a Good Idea<br> <br> * You are just one person, and if you like your cover, then you know one person likes your cover.<br> * Hard to read the label when you are standing inside the bottle<br> * Sometimes, a good title makes the difference between success and failure.<br> * This can be useful for traditionally published authors as well when discussing decisions with your publisher.<br> * Ideal test because it is in a noisy environment. The thing that makes Facebook ads bad makes Facebook split test excellent.<br> <br> The Big Picture of How This Works<br> <br> * You create two versions of the same ad with one thing being different. You see which version performs better.<br> * Expect to pay around $50 per test.<br> <br> Two Principles: <br> <br> * Test One Thing at a Time<br> * Test on the Right People<br> <br> How to Make it Happen<br> <br> * Create a page on your website to send people to. In a pinch, you can use your homepage.<br> * Go to <a href="https://www.facebook.com/business/">https://www.facebook.com/business/</a> and click “Create Ad”<br> * Select “Get More Website Visitors”<br> * Create your ad using Facebook’s Ad Editor.<br> * You want to pick an audience with at least 25,000 people in it. No more than a million.<br> * Open Up the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/business/tools/ads-manager">Facebook Ads Manager</a><br> * Select the ad you just created a click Duplicate. Now you have two copies of the ad running simultaneously.<br> * Click edit and change the one thing you want to test. (Book Cover, Title, or Blurb)<br> <br> What about the money? What You Should Budget<br> Sponsor:<br> <a href="http://www.mybooktable.com">MyBookTable</a> is a way to quickly and easily build an online bookstore on your WordPress website. Use it to rank #1 on Google for your book and to boost your book sales on sites like Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Get it free at MyBookTable.com. Novel Marketing Patrons save 25% on MyBookTable Pro. <a href="http://www.mybooktable.com">www.mybooktable.com</a>.<br>  <br>