KOL254 | Interviewing Tom Woods About Getting Into Harvard

Kinsella On Liberty show

Summary: Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 254.<br> <br> From TomWoods Ep. 1304 How I Got into Harvard. I interviewed Tom about this and related questions since my 15 year old son is nearing college age and I was curious. From Tom's shownotes:<br> Stephan Kinsella, the libertarian theorist and author of Against Intellectual Property, asked me the other day about my college admission experience. We are each the parent of a tenth grader, so the topic of college comes up in our households. I didn’t think I had much interesting to say about it, but we decided he would in effect host this episode and ask me questions. The resulting conversation turned out to be great!<br> <br> Read the original article at TomWoods.com. http://tomwoods.com/ep-1304-how-i-got-into-harvard/