Swamp Wizards -21- Now there's a cool new statue!

That DnD Podcast show

Summary: AND WE’RE BACK! I’M EXCITED AND I KNOW YOU’RE EXCITED! Last time we rolled back through vampire territory. I’m still not sure what’s more frightening: magical vampires or suburban lawn expectations. We’re all tangled up in extra servers and secret projects now. Can our wizards of the wetlands gain the victory? Will we talk to villains on the phone again? Who know! Every episode is an adventure! Pledge/donate on Patreon: www.patreon.com/thatdndpodcast Send feedback to:  ThatDnDPodcast@Gmail.com Visit our website: http://www.thatdndpodcast.com Amazon Link: http://www.amazon.com/?rw_useCurrentProtocol=1&tag=thdnpo07-20