#381: My Personal 30-Day Reboot Project

The Strategic Living Podcast with Brian Holmes show

Summary: It’s a brand new year, and we have SO MUCH to look forward to. If you are like most people, you are constantly being bombarded with external forces vying for your attention and focus.<br> <br> It is so difficult to stay on point with those things that are truly important. In fact, we can be so BUSY or DISTRACTED that we totally lose focus on the very reason we exist … to serve, to lead, and to make a difference.<br> <br> Sometimes you just have to push PAUSE, let the dust clear, and examine your heart regarding what is important. There is a very real need to rest, pause, reflect, and reset our focus.<br> <br> In this episode, I share that I am embarking on such a project ... to clear the board, take inventory, and examine my own heart. I am spending the entire month of January (and maybe more) to do just that.<br> <br> I am spending this time to truly evaluate who I am, why I am here, and how I can most effectively make a difference in my world.<br> <br> Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing some of the key things I am pondering and evaluating. For now, let me share with you "My Personal 30-Day Reboot".