"Guest Perez Hilton and Celebrity Gossip"

Hellbound with Halos show

Summary: Kevin, Sully and Crystal are BACK for the first episode of 2019! Crystal starts things off talking about how her wall heater, at their family vacation home in Tahoe, almost burned her house down. Sully worked at played referee with his dogs, and Kevin was sick with malaria (not really but he says it felt like it), for the whole holiday break. It's great to hear the crew back together again since Crystal's short absence. They all talk about what they did on New Year's Eve.. Sully was in bed by 10:30, Kevin was in bed by 11:30. Kevin said he tried to stay up but was just too sick and tired to make it till midnight to watch the ball drop. He talks about how he took some left over amoxicillin and Sully read him the riot act because your not supposed to talk medicine like that. Kevin also brings up wondering what it would be like to be a celebrity during the holidays. Crystal said she could never imagine being a celeb, ever, because she doesn't like people all up in her face, while Sully thinks it would suck because everyone is watching your every move. But he thinks if he was he'd dress like a bum and smell of booze and bad decisions. Kevin brings up if they could be one celebrity or sports star, who would they pick? The first episode of the year starts off right where they left off. <br>Perez Hilton swings through to say hi to the crew and catch them up on what happened with celebrities in 2018 and what he thinks could happen, drama wise, in 2019! He talks about how Ariana Grande just blew off her concert in Las Vegas, the Kardashian Empire may come crumbling down this year, and he's worried for Demi Lovato and her addiction. They all talk a short bit about the social media world and the psuedo-celebrities of those platforms, Crystal is in awe by how Perez continuously stays relevant in the public eye, and he answers what he looks forward to in the new year. We thank Perez Hilton, even with the flu, for stopping by our Podcast and taking the time to create some content with us!<br>They continue discussing celebrities and the like, after Perez bounces. They talk celebrities with addiction problems and how difficult it would be to be in someones shoes, like Demi Lovato. In Hollywood, drugs are everywhere, and it's gotta be difficult to remove yourself from that environment. Kevin says that people must completely absolve themselves from old friends and that lifestyle all together, or it just isn't going to work. Hellbound with Halos reminds everyone that drugs are BAD and there's no reason to even touch them. Kevin brings up how great 2018 was for the podcast and how they're all looking forward to a successful 2019 together.