Touch Season: Good Christian Sex with Bromleigh McCleneghan

Touch Podcast:  Conversations of Spirit and Body show

Summary: Touch Season 2 Episode 8: Good Christian Sex with Bromleigh McCleneghan Touch Podcast is co-hosted and produced by Ryan Clark along with Nathan Novero and Shannon Ethridge. Is Chastity the only option? How difficult is it for a woman to publish a book on sex when she’s not ashamed of the actual sex? In this episode, we speak with Bromleigh McCleneghan about her Book Good Christian Sex at the Just Sex Conference Sponsored by the Alliance of Baptists, at the Baptist Beer Garden which was sponsored by Eden Theological Seminary and The Carpenter Program at Vanderbilt Divinity School. This is part one of two - In part two, We hear more fascinating and fun conversation about shame and intimacy and the pitfalls of hook-up sex.