1 Timothy 5:1-8

Pray Every Day show

Summary: Today’s Scripture:<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Never speak harshly to an older man,[<a title="See footnote a" href="https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Timothy+5%3A1-8&amp;version=NLT#fen-NLT-29725a">a</a>] but appeal to him respectfully as you would to your own father. Talk to younger men as you would to your own brothers. 2 Treat older women as you would your mother, and treat younger women with all purity as you would your own sisters.<br> 3 Take care of[<a title="See footnote b" href="https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Timothy+5%3A1-8&amp;version=NLT#fen-NLT-29727b">b</a>] any widow who has no one else to care for her. 4 But if she has children or grandchildren, their first responsibility is to show godliness at home and repay their parents by taking care of them. This is something that pleases God.<br> 5 Now a true widow, a woman who is truly alone in this world, has placed her hope in God. She prays night and day, asking God for his help. 6 But the widow who lives only for pleasure is spiritually dead even while she lives. 7 Give these instructions to the church so that no one will be open to criticism.<br> 8 But those who won’t care for their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.<br> <br><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Get Your Winter Journal!<br> <br> <br> Now you can<a href="https://amzn.to/2T9uj8p"> journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show!</a> WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection!<br> Subscribe:<br> Join the Movement:<br> <a href="https://www.patreon.com/prayeveryday"></a><br> Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! <a href="https://www.patreon.com/prayeveryday">Click here</a> to become a patron of the show.<br> If you <a href="https://www.patreon.com/prayeveryday">support the show at $10 or more per month</a>, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations!<br><br> <br>  <br> <br> A Request:<br> Please <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pray-every-day/id1341945281?mt=2&amp;ls=1">rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here</a>. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, <a href="http://www.marydemuth.com/subscribe">give them this link</a>.<br> Want more Prayer?<br> Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) <a href="http://amzn.to/2rOyhVX">here</a>.<br> <a href="http://amzn.to/2rOyhVX"></a>Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. <a href="http://eepurl.com/c2CdwP">Sign up here</a>.<br> <a href="http://eepurl.com/c2CdwP"></a><br> Lastly:<br> I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>