What's Wrong With The World?

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: What in the world is going on? Is it me or does it seem like the world's coming off the rails? People are coming unglued. Around the world chaos and craziness. Currency crisis, massive debt, civil unrest, military posturing. It's all going on and most of it gets very little attention. At what point do people start paying attention? When it's too late? When is it too late? When we hit the tipping point that's when. And, at that point it might be too late. So hit the play button! FOLLOW: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christopherscottshow/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Christo98177622 SUBSCRIBE AT: http://www.christopherscottshow.com Learn more about my books at: https://thebookoncommonsense.com/