Ep. 30 (Part 2) | What is Gentrification and Signs to look out for - Chat with Peter Koulizos

The Property Couch show

Summary: Following from Part 1 of Episode 30 (<a href="http://tpcaustralia.wpengine.com/episode-030-five-golden-rules-of-property-investment-chat-with-peter-koulizos/" target="_blank">Five Golden Rules of Property Investment</a>), our hosts continue on to talk about a topic that Peter Koulizos is current researching on: Suburb Gentrification. Previously in <a href="http://tpcaustralia.wpengine.com/ep026-property-through-trust-renovating/" target="_blank">episode 26</a>, Bryce and Ben had briefly touched on this topic and in this episode, they elaborate it further.<br> Gentrification in general means wealthier people moving into an area and in Australia, the gentrification process varies across different states. Most people are able to see once the process nears the completion stage or sometimes, when it has gentrified but Bryce, Ben and Peter discuss about the signs that you can look for which indicate the start of this process.<br> Tune in to find out more.<br>  <br> Resources mentioned in this podcast:<br> <br> * Top Australian Suburbs: A Guide for Investors and Homebuyers – <a href="http://www.businessmall.com.au/kou-1.html" target="_blank">Click here</a><br> * Property vs Shares: Discover your knockout investment strategy – <a href="http://www.propertyvsshares.com.au/" target="_blank">Click here</a><br> * Property Options for Pensioners &amp; Investors (POPI Australia) – <a href="http://www.popiaustralia.com.au/" target="_blank">Click here</a><br> <br>  <br> If you like this podcast: “What is Gentrification and Signs to look out for – Chat with Peter Koulizos”, don’t forget to rate us at our iTunes channel (<a title="The Property Couch - An Insider's Guide to Property Investing in Australia" href="https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-property-couch/id969904333" target="_blank">The Property Couch Podcast</a>) and our <a title="The Property Couch Facebook page" href="https://www.facebook.com/ThePropertyCouch" target="_blank">Facebook page</a>. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to drop us your thoughts here: <a title="New topics for The Property Couch" href="http://tpcaustralia.wpengine.com/topics/">http://tpcaustralia.wpengine.com/topics/</a><br>