The Tech Night Owl LIVE Jul 8, 2017

The Tech Night Owl LIVE — Tech Radio with a Twist! show

Summary: On this week's all-star episode, ransomware is back in the news as the "Petya" ransomware attack affected 12,000 computers in 65 countries including the U.S. This time an infected software update seems to be to blame for the breach. So if you cannot even trust a software update any more, how are you supposed to keep your documents and computer safe from hackers?  You'll hear the answers from security expert Shaun Murphy, founder of, about what to do to help prevent yourself from becoming a victim of a ransomware attack. Shaun will offer lots of information covering the world of cybersecurity. You'll also hear from tech journalist Derek Kessler, editor of, as well as managing editor of Mobile Nations. Derek will tell you all about Elon Musk's Tesla, a line of electric cars that are having a major impact on the auto industry. Derek owns a Tesla Model S, and he'll tell you about the advantages, and disadvantages of driving an all-electric vehicle. What about the impact of cold weather on the batteries, which can sharply reduce battery life? What about "range anxiety" and finding nearby charging stations before your car runs out of juice? You'll also hear about the forthcoming Model 3 mid-sized car, Tesla's first "affordable" vehicle, which will carry a starting price of $35,000. Can Tesla meet its very optimistic production targets to build enough vehicles to fill hundreds of thousands of advance orders?