Lum and Abner – Abner And Lizabeth Off To Texas. 441113

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Abner has left for his trip to visit in laws in Texas. When grandpap visits Lum in the Jot Em Down store, they discover that Abner has left his valice behind. Can Lum get it out to the mail hack in time? Burning up the party lines, Lum tries to intercept Abner before he gets too far away from town.<br> Lum laments that he's the only responsible person around. If it wasn't for him, and his fast thinking, nothing would ever get done right. The action of orchestrating phone calls, and sending Cedric to the right place with the valise becomes more intense.<br> Will Cedric need to meet the mail hack at the county seat? Will Abner forget himself and miss his connection at the Johnson farm? In all the commotion, Lum discovers a secret about the forgotten valise.<br>