On Stage – The String Bow Tie. ep1, 530101.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A young couple, Gerstin and Laurie, are happily married. He is an ad executive who doubles as the company's featured male model. Laurie is upbeat as she shares her hot hubby with all the rest of the women in the city as the ladies all gush over his pictures in the ads they see.<br> His signature is his string bowtie, and on the way to a New Year's Eve party, we see Laurie's patience with the adoring public being pushed to a limit. There's someone else who has their patience stretched, a jealous husband with a pistol in his pocket.<br> Being kidnapped from a nightclub may be the least of concerns for Gerstin and laurie. What does this tough guy want? Can the smooth talking ad man talk his way out of this? Can you guess that the disgruntled kidnapper is upset over his gal falling for the male model?<br> To cool down tempers, and get out of this mess alive, Gerstin and Laurie do some romantic rekindling between the gangster and his wife. If they can. Enjoy the situation as it turns from serious, to comic, to tender. Sidney Sheldon is the gangster, Bill Bailey.<br>