Dragnet – Big Red Part 1. ep134, 520103

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Narcotics detail. A big time drug dealer has been operating, and the chance to take them down has come.<br> Talking with an informant, Joe Friday gets the details on the pusher, while in the park. Read gets his nickname from the kind of big Cadillacs he drives. Word on the street is that a big deal is to go down. Guns, top notch heroine from Mexico, and lots of nervous pushers. This won't be easy, but Joe plans an under cover set up. He'll need to distance himself from his fellow cops, but keep them close enough to call for back up. What about his mom? If she knew the kind of danger involved, she would be worried to death.<br> Making his move, Joe goes in for his meeting with Red. How about it? Will it get him in to make his big time deal? For now, all that can be done is to sit tight. Phone lines are burned up to stay in touch with the cops, checking on crime lab tests, and touching base with mom.<br> When Joe is beaten, is it a sign the drug dealers are on to him? He thinks otherwise, and makes his own power play to make his point. The meeting is set. Nerves are on edge. The net is cast, but all that comes up in it are small fish.<br>