AAR Weekly Show 1-6-2019 Hour 1

Armed American Radio show

Summary: Armed American Radio with Mark Walters – Current events and everything that matters to our right to bear arms as the enemies of freedom battle us daily. Guest Lineup: Another A-List lineup today as I welcome American hero, Brian Kolfage to the program for the first time. A triple-amputee, Brian was wounded in Balad, Iraq in 2004 during a rocket attack when a 107 mm shell exploded 3 feet from his position costing him both legs and his right hand. He is now making national news seeking funding for the border wall and has raised nearly $20 million on "Go-Fund Me." It turns out, Brian is also a huge AAR fan and I look forward to bringing him back to update us on his progress in the next 2-3 weeks. After Brian, I spoke to Andy Hooser from KQAM-The Voice of Reason, NY Times best-selling author and famed researcher/economist, Dr. John R. Lott and weapons expert and famed blogger, George "The Mad Ogre" Hill.