It Doesn't Get Old - Meghan Dubyak '04

Fresh from the Hill: Inside Stories of Noteworthy Cornellians show

Summary: <p>On this episode of <em>Fresh from the Hill</em>, you'll hear from Meghan Dubyak '04, current chief spokesperson and Associate Vice President for Communications and Creative Services at Georgetown University and former Press Secretary to Vice President Joe Biden and Special Assistant to President Obama. </p> <p>She'll chat with host Alex Zalben '99 about how she chose to work in political communications, her experiences outside the classroom and how they helped her grow at Cornell, her work with Steve Israel, Sherrod Brown, and Joe Biden, similarities (and differences) between work in politics and what's depicted on TV shows like "Scandal" and "The West Wing," how Joe Biden is the most "memeable" politician, her involvement in the “Cancer Moonshot” and “It’s on Us” campaigns, and her advice for young people wanting to get into government work. </p> <p>Read the <a href="">Episode transcript.</a> </p> <p>Created and produced by Amanda Massa.<br> Music by Kia Albertson-Rogers '13,<br> Artwork by Chris Kelly.<br> Episode transcribed by Cait Collins. </p> <p>*The views expressed by <em>Fresh from the Hill</em> hosts and guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Cornell University.</p>