S1: 030: The U Turn Podcast - [Community] - By Alex Over

The U-Turn Podcast show

Summary: <p>Hey guys :) </p> <p>Ah sooooo good being back online for Episode number 30!! A little less during December than I would of liked, but no worries - the most important thing is we are back on track! It's Christmas Eve Eve today and wow when did this happen?!! Like... Really??? Crazy quick it's gone.. kinda too fast if I'm honest??</p> <p>Today was just a little refresh as I know you have missed my lovely British Accent :D hmmm okay maybe.... not! But hey it's cool looking forward too 2019 - Are you??? You should be! Lots to come butttttt I thought it would be great too touch base around 'Community' - such a lovely subject to dive a little more into and what it means too each of us.</p> <p>Christmas is a real mix, but mainly I wanted to think / talk about the ones who are alone and what this impact has but also the people who come together to help each-other, even if it's something you celebrate or not - that togetherness is so key (Love it)</p> <p>Signs of great process me thinks.</p> <p>Let me know what you think?</p> <p>Might even do a Christmas Special but let's see.</p> <p>Have a lovely lovely day, whatever time it is where you are.</p> <p>As always thanks so much for listening to 'The U Turn Podcast' in 2018 (6 months) and no stopping - if anything, more of it... so you guys rock! Thank you, Thank you!!!</p> <p>See ya!</p> <p><em>P.S</em> - Socials <strong>@alexeover </strong>(Instagram &amp; Twitter)</p> <p>+ <strong>www.alexover.com</strong> &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; </p> <p><em><strong>(Lots of new additional content for 2019 + Socials)</strong></em> OH YES OH YES :D:D</p> <p>Al x</p> <p><br></p> <p> </p>