6 Pixels Under Podcast #14 - HotS Maintenance Mode+ UK Game Dev Union + The Outer Worlds = KOTOR 2?

6 Pixels Under show

Summary: Hello everyone. Welcome to Episode 14 of the 6 Pixels Under podcast. On this weeks podcast we talked about Blizzard and their slowing down (maintenance mode) of Heroes of the Storm. As well as UK possibly getting a game developers union, Atlas being delayed, and a few long rants about all things MMORPG. 0:00 - 3:30 - Intro 3:31 - 46:00 - Current Gaming News. Heroes of the Storm slowing down and esports events being cancelled. UK Game Developers Union? 46:01 - 1:26:22 - MMOs on the GO. Atlas being delayed, thoughts on Wildcard (developer). ESO best themepark MMO discussion? Jagex working on a new ARPG in the Runescape universe? SWTOR patch GAME ISN'T DEAD. Crowfall discussion (1:23:08). 1:27:27 - 1:42:28 - Planetside Arena LOL. 1:42:28 - 2:00:08 - Why does the MMORPG subreddit (or MMORPG fans) act so negative? Outro.