Santa School and Smart Home Fitness

The Daily Dive show

Summary: It was a wild hearing for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn as Judge Emmet Sullivan delayed the sentencing for lying to the FBI and told him he may not avoid prison time. The judge even told Flynn that he sold his country out. Alayna Treene, political reporter for Axios, joins us for what happens next and all the courtroom drama. Next, it’s time to prepare for the smart home fitness revolution. Connected fitness started out with apps, then fitness trackers, connected cardio equipment, and now the next level is intelligence. Lauren Goode, senior writer at Wired, joins us to discuss what the new home fitness gym will look like…Internet connected home systems that promise feedback loops between you and the fitness gurus running your workouts. Finally, we speak to Megan Leonhardt, senior money reporter for CNBC Make it, about how much money it costs to be Santa Claus and how much money you can make. There is a lot more than just the red suit that goes into playing the part. There’s Santa school, beard bleaching and more, but being a top tier Santa can really bring in the money.