Whaleshares Community Hangout #1 / Centralization vs Decentralization

Beyond Bitcoin Community show

Summary: Join Ceruleanblue & Intelliguy every Tuesday at 7pm EST (12 AM UTC) on the Official Whaleshares Discord as the community discusses issues relating to cryptocurrency-backed social media platforms like Whaleshares. Topic This Week: Centralization vs Decentralization Lately there has been a lot of interest in talking about new user onboarding, handling reward abuse, and more. We begin the show talking about our thoughts on the levels of decentralization and centralization and what is necessary to for this platform to succeed. Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/3pqBXKY Join Whaleshares Today: https://Whaleshares.io Whaleshares is a social sharing network where users earn cryptocurrency rewards for posting their original content like photos, articles, and blogs. ------------ Community BEYOND BITCOIN CASTELLANO: discord.gg/m2J5YPT