"A Cloud Hanging Over Our Country": 1 on 1 with Gen. James Clapper

Deep State Radio show

Summary: The latest edition of Deep State Radio's National Security Magazine offers up an in-depth interview with one of the most distinguished leaders the U.S. intelligence community has produced, General James Clapper. Culminating his 54 year career in the military and intelligence communities with a six and a half year term as Director of National Intelligence, Clapper considers the current state of the relations between the intelligence community and the president as well as profound consequences of Russia's massive on-going efforts to interfere in America's democratic processes. Clapper, author this year of Facts and Fears: Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence, also discusses the efforts to brief Trump on Russia, the Mike Flynn case, the decision to pull out of Syria and other concessions to Vladimir Putin from Team Trump. Tune in. It's an engrossing and important discussion.