April 25, 2011 Don Wagner

Whispers Paranormal Radio: Interviews, News and Fun in the World of Ghosts, UFOs and All Things Weird show

Summary: Don Wagner is the tech manager for Peace of Mind Paranormal Society in Pittsburgh, Pa. He had his own TV show called Paranormal Quests which broadcast throughout the local area. Don now owns a haunted elementary school (Broughton School) where he offers tours. Come and investigate the old school where class is out but the Teachers never left AND STILL WALK THE HALLS SO DON’T RUN, THERE WATCHING YOU. Book Your dates now its filling up fast. You can contact Don to book a tour at ltltazman@aol.com. During the show Don talked in depth about his new haunted school, he also discussed some of the cases he has had recently. Don talked about a new TV show in the making, as well as some new equipment he has designed that it being used by several prominent people in the paranormal community. Give us a High Five!High Five!Random Fan(4)