Episode 1: Debunking Raw Milk

Real Food. Real Life. show

Summary: In this week's show we will be debunking the myths surrounding raw milk and discussing the latest in food politics. I am joined by my co-host and fellow food activist Jerica Cadman, owner of truefields.com and shadygroveranch.net and Cari Johnson, a busy home schooling mother of six. We each bring something different to the discussion table, the dietitian, farmer, and consumer, to give you a well rounded view of the topic. I hope you learn something from our show. I know I did. Please pardon our progress. We had technical difficulties with our mics the morning of the recording and as a result our sound suffered. This problem should be obsolete by the next show. Be sure to submit your comments via email  to questions@eatingthegoodlifewithchristinapeteet.com. We love hearing from you! Parental guidance is suggested due to the nature of the topic.