Great Gildersleeve – Leroy Smokes a Cigar. ep13, 411123

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Leroy and Marjorie enjoy a look at Gildy's old photo album, and the old time fashions when he was a kid. Birdie has her own troubles dealing with a man who knocks at the door. Can Gildy bail her out with the tobacco salesman, and his cigars? <br> Later, Leroy and his friend Piggy discover the box of cigars, and a dare leads to Leroy lighting up. How's it taste? Pretty bad, then it gets worse when Leroy lights up to take his first puff. After a few drags on the stoagie, the boys start feeling sick from the affects. Have they learned their lesson? <br> In their dizzy illness, the boys inadvertently layed the cigar aside, and as they stepped out to clear their heads, the living room catches on fire. Birdie saves the day, while Gildy and Marjorie do some Christmas shopping across town. How will Leroy explain the fire, and how it started? It isn't difficult for Gildy to figure out what happened, now what will he do to deal with the errant Leroy? <br>