DT Daily 7/2: Co-Founder of the MetLife Takeover joins us to talk about the 2018 Event

DolphinsTalk.com Daily show

Summary: On today's show we are joined by Igor who is the Co-Founder of Dolfans NYC and who helps put together the MetLife Takeover each year. If you don't know what the MetLife Takeover is or the history behind it then this is a must listen show for you as we talk about how it started and how it has grown into what it is today.. Not to mention we go over all of the details for the 2018 event coming up on Sep 16th of this year. Where you can buy tickets, how much tickets are, and much more. www.MetLifeTakeOver.com and FAQ's at http://dolfansnyc.com/metlifetakeover-faq/