Easy One Pot Meals/Cervical Cancer Facts

Fearless Fabulous You show

Summary: One pot meals can be hearty, tasty and healthy! Miami Herald Food Columnist and Diabetes Cooking Expert Linda Gassenheimer shares tips to lower fat, reduce sodium and sugar and boost flavor from her book, "Delicious One Pot Meals." Many cases of cervical cancer are preventable says Gynecologist/Oncology Expert Dr. Ana Tergas (Columbia University Medical Center). She explains how to reduce your risk including: get Pap tests starting at age 21, get tested for HPV, practice safe sex, stop smoking.<br><br>This show is broadcast live on Monday's at 4PM ET on W4WN Radio – The Women 4 Women Network (<a href="http://www.w4wn.com" rel="noopener">www.w4wn.com</a>) part of Talk 4 Radio (<a href="http://www.talk4radio.com/)" rel="noopener">http://www.talk4radio.com/)</a> on the Talk 4 Media Network (<a href="http://www.talk4media.com/)" rel="noopener">http://www.talk4media.com/)</a>.