TLP 218 Vegas Shooting, Gatling Guns, Safaris & Action Clothes

Talking Lead Podcast show

Summary:<br> TLP 218 Vegas Shooting, Gatling Guns, Safaris &amp; Action Clothes<br> Welcome back to the Talking Lead Podcast!  This week we talk about a range of topics from Safari hunts in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Namibia Africa</a>, A-10 Warthog Gatling Guns, Suits for Cool-Operators to Zoolander.<br> <br> Before we continue with our interviews Lefty has Chad Enos with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Kel-Tec</a> on the show to discuss the mass murder that just occurred in Las Vegas October 1st, 2017.  Lefty and Chad give their perspectives on, what the media is calling, the largest massacre shooting in modern US history.  The anti-gun groups and leftist politicians are going to use this tragic event to, again, push their gun control agendas on the American people and you better believe this will be their strongest, loudest push ever.  Be ready with the facts.  All you conspiracy theorist out there, just stop it, now.  All you opportunist and panic buyers out there, just stop it, now.  Let the police do their jobs, investigate the circumstances and present the facts.  Then use those facts to draw your own conclusion and help make the best decisions for our Country, The United States of America!  <br> <br> Contact your governmental representatives now and urge them not to cave in to the pressure, from what will be the minority of the Country, to tighten gun control and laws.<br> <br> First up, wrapping up our interviews during the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association's (FLEOA) 24th Conference</a>, is Ron Carson founder of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Cool Action Suit</a>. Joining Ron is Glen Livingston &amp; Matt Bumstead with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Livingston Federal</a>.<br> <br> Ron is a former Presidential "Advance Man". Advance teams specialize in the art of stagecraft that governs every public appearance, photo-op, and televised moment. They travel ahead of every public appearance, set the stage for the most memorable photos with the perfect lighting and backdrops, and do their best to anticipate and prevent any potential issues. They also make sure that candidates and politicians live within a carefully curated bubble, that they never arrive anywhere that isn't perfectly prepped.  Ron shares how during his time as an "Advance Man" he came up with the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Cool Action Suit</a> idea.<br> <br> Ron &amp; Glen share how <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Livingston Federal</a> specifically addresses and serves the financial and retirement planning needs of federal employees across the country. They work directly with federal employees by helping to explain, analyze and coördinate their unique benefits to develop and maintain an individual retirement plan.  As Lefty delves deeper into their backgrounds he finds out that these guys are more than just smart financial advisors.  Ron has a background in mechanical engineering and worked on Gatling Gun projects.  Glen is an avid Big Game Safari Hunter.  They share some very cool stories with us.<br> <br> Our last interview is with the gang from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">First Tactical</a>, John Crist and David Fitts. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">First Tactical</a> makes functional gear created for professionals. Guided by the principles of innovation and reliability, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">First Tactical</a> works first–hand with real–world users to create durable produ...