Are you entertaining you’re self-complacent?

Business Casual  show

Summary: Today I'm introducing a new segment called quick tips. Todays quick tip touches on the subject has entertainment become a damaging force in your futures potential, do to its hyper availability. todays business link is to tim ferris book the four hour work week;linkCode=df0&amp;hvadid=312009828129&amp;hvpos=1o1&amp;hvnetw=g&amp;hvrand=10295369479638201039&amp;hvpone=&amp;hvptwo=&amp;hvqmt=&amp;hvdev=m&amp;hvdvcmdl=&amp;hvlocint=&amp;hvlocphy=9007733&amp;hvtargid=pla-462851581164&amp;psc=1. todays casual link is to penn states Neilson research on the average persons time per day they devote to entertainment --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>