SGJ Podcast #271 – X4: Foundations (And the Series in General)

Space Game Junkie Podcast show

Summary: Hello my friends, and welcome to this week’s podcast, my friends! This week, <a href="">Jim</a>, Spaz and I get up super early in the morning to talk to Bernd Lehahn, CEO of <a href="">Egosoft</a>, primarily about their latest masterpiece, <a href="">X4: Foundations</a>, as well as the series in general! We also talk quality control, finding bugs, managing user expectations, the future of X4 and much more. It was a really, really fun show.<br> Next week will be our last show of 2018, so we’ll use the opportunity to look back and this busy, crazy year. As always, if you want to leave a question or comment, you can drop them below, email us at <a href=""></a> or hit us up on <a href="">the forums</a>. Thanks for listening, and we hope you enjoy the show!<br> <br> Show Notes<br> Games Mentioned<br> <br> * Elite: Dangerous<br> * Star Citizen<br> <br>