Go Ask Your Father for December 13, 2018

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Caller Question- Have you ever heard of the Pardon Crucifix?<br> Caller Question- My brother wasn’t married in the Church. Do you think he is in Heaven?<br> Caller Question- Is the command verb in Greek a command to do something once, or to continuously do something?<br> Caller Question- Where is Jesus’s first miracle in the Bible?<br> Caller Question- Isn’t it a doctrine of the faith that Judas is in hell?<br> Caller Question- Why will we need resurrected bodies at the Last Judgement Day, if we will be in Heaven?<br> Caller Question- What are our responsibilities to our godson, who comes from an abusive household and lives with us?<br> Catechetical Corner- Legitimate exercise of authority.<br> Caller Question- Can the Holy Souls in Purgatory pray for us?<br> Caller Question- I read the book “Dictator Pope,” and how can we explain the misdeeds of the Vatican to others?<br>