Yesler Terrace Plan Approved, And An Attempt To Save Public Schools

The Conversation Podcast show

Summary: Yesler Terrace Plan Passes City Council: Nearly 1200 residents of Yesler Terrace are going to be relocated after plans to tear down low–income housing and build market–rate housing were passed by the City Council. KUOW's Derek Wang reports on the future of those individuals. Wolves Back On The Chopping Block: The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has re–issued the kill order for four wolves in a pack in the Northeastern corner of the state. KUOW's Ashley Ahearn reports. Japanese Government To Help American Tsunami Clean–Up: For the first time, the Japanese government says it will help to cover some of the cost of cleaning up tsunami debris on American and Canadian shores. KUOW's Tom Banse reports on the ongoing effort. Turning Troubled Schools Around: A few years ago, three struggling Seattle public schools got a huge federal grant to improve student achievement to the tune of $5.8 million. Across the country, the federal government has now awarded $4.5 billion to what it calls the nation's "persistently lowest–achieving schools." Two years into Seattle's three–year grant, KUOW's Ann Dornfeld has this progress report.