LOTSL 280 Moving Absolutely Blows

lotsl show

Summary: Our brand new LOTSL show begins with kitty-cat talk!  We do love our fur-balls.  Then, Doc Stone’s greying beard and Brenda Boo's white streak in her hair. Hair grows. Bee-Hive? Doc Stone mentions the latest David Sedaris book. Jay the Hauntcub and his hubby Ron make a brief phone appearance! The little shoe begins with a beverage check, and everybody checks in! Meanwhile, it is revealed that Jay has moved!  He describes the experience. Moving blows. Also from Haunty — a spider update! Brenda talks about an embarrassing experience at the self-check-out isle at a store, where she ran into someone who felt free to comment on her selections!  Everybody chimes in!  Also: our general opinions of the concept of self-check out.  ThatPeterG reminds us that something new has already replaced self check-out! A Lamont Cranston listener update!  He’s up to LOTSL episode 45… Peter brings up several of the topics discussed on that episode from five years ago, including OUR TWITTER TWEETS THEN AND NOW. Doc Stone explains his recent dislike of Twitter and why he doesn’t feel as connected with Twitter these days.  Why social media is becoming the sewer of humanity! The LOTSL gang talks about the involvement they recall their parents having in their school activities.  Then we go back to Twitter, and Doc Stone wonders what he is getting out of it.  Jay tells how he uses Twitter.  Brenda says Twitter people don’t edit themselves very well.  Peter can’t stand Facebook.  Wes likes Instagram.  Brenda introduces a story about the theft of a large amount of butter!  Peter exclaims confidently that butter doesn’t make good lube… Wes has a stress inventory test.  A list of 43 items that cause stress.  The LOTSL gang guesses what’s tops the list.  The strange things we stress out about! When did the “Magic 8-Ball” come into vogue? And finally, thrill to a tale of the Great Butter Bandit! Write us at Lifeontheshitlist@gmail.com Call us at 949-41-LOTSL