Go Ask Your Father for December 12, 2018

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Msgr. Swetland talks about a Wall Street Journal article on homework for junior high and high school students.<br> Caller Question- What is the best translation of Scripture?<br> Caller Comment- I think high school has too much pressure nowadays.<br> Caller Comment- I think homework is necessary for children to comprehend materials.<br> Caller Comment- Some kids need homework, and some do not. Schoolwork should be individualized.<br> Msgr. Swetland talks about Fr. Flanagan and Boystown.<br> Caller Comment- I think schoolwork should be individualized to match the students’s needs.<br> Caller Comment- I think we should all have a continuing religious education, especially parents and teachers in Catholic schools.<br> Catechetical Corner- Pope Francis’s Wednesday Catechesis- The Our Father- The attitude of prayer.<br> Caller Question- Why is the lectionary not tied to the New American Bible for the Old Testament?<br> Caller Comment- I think we need to keep up homework, because our kids are very behind most other developed countries.<br> Caller Comment- I think students should have quality homework and not just busywork. <br>