SFP 05 : How Do You Feed Your Kids?

Simple Families | Parenting + Minimalism show

Summary: <br> My doctoral research was on raising good eaters–so it’s no surprise that my kids turned out to be just that–good eaters. In this episode I am going to share with you how I feed my kids.<br> The Highlights<br> <br> * The cardinal rule of feeding babies and young children<br> * Why there is no Plan B.<br> * The details of our meal/snack schedule and why it is important<br> <br>  Show Notes and Links<br> <a href="http://www.simplefamilies.com/mastering-dinnertime-hustle/" target="_blank">Mastering the Dinnertime Hustle</a><br> <a href="http://www.simplefamilies.com/one-simple-tip-to-get-kids-to-eat-better/" target="_blank">One Simple Tip to Get Your Kids to Eat Better</a><br> <a href="http://www.simplefamilies.com/you-might-be-feeding-your-kids-too-many-healthy-snacks/" target="_blank">Are You Feeding Your Kids too Many Healthy Snacks?</a><br> (<a href="http://ellynsatterinstitute.org/cms-assets/documents/203702-180136.dor-2015-2.pdf" target="_blank">Ellyn Satter) Division of Responsibilities</a><br> <a href="http://www.simplefamilies.com/ask/" target="_blank">Do you have a question for the show? Ask it here. </a><br>