Home For Christmas | Episode 2 | Pastor Mike Signorelli

V1 Church show

Summary: Do you ever feel more loved by the people you know the least? Do you give so much of yourself to other people and you feel like you bring their dreams and visions to pass, but when you have one of your own, they’re nowhere to be found? Some people don’t come into your life to love you, they come into your life to use you. They don’t come to bring to your life, they come to take from it. They don’t see you as a person, they see you as an opportunity. They don’t love you for you, they love you for what they can take from you. They’re not loyal to you; they’re loyal to the benefits that come from being with you. That’s why they never show up, no matter how many times you showed up for them. That’s why they’ll never help, no matter how many times you help them. Stop breaking your back for people who clearly never had yours’! Stop taking punches for people who wouldn’t take a punch for you. Stop keeping people in your boat who aren’t rowing with you. If they’re not being supportive, they shouldn’t be important BUT Don’t let their lack of support become your lack of belief Get around people who want to POUR INTO your cup, not just drink from it.