Go Ask Your Father for December 10, 2018

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: (Encore Hour)<br> Caller Question- How can we encourage our pastors to talk more about the universal call to holiness?<br> Caller Question- How can I pray if I cannot stand times of silence because of a brain tumor I have?<br> Caller Question- Should we give our family priority when we are evangelizing?<br> Caller Question- Why would someone leave the Catholic Church if we have the Real Presence in the Eucharist?<br> Catechetical Corner- Pope Francis’s General Audience- Summary of the Pope’s Trip to Ireland.<br> Caller Question- My daughter-in-law won’t make the Sign of the Cross when she prays with us. What should I do?<br> Caller Question- When is a proper time to ask a priest for a blessing?<br>