Go Ask Your Father for December 11, 2018

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Msgr. Swetland talks about Jesus as the Good Shepherd.<br> Caller Question- Was the Septuagint the original Bible of the early Church? Did it contain the apocrypha?<br> Email Question- Can a person receive Communion at the Vigil Mass on Saturday and then again on Sunday?<br> Caller Question- Why did God put the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden to tempt Adam and Eve?<br> Caller Comment- When I taught my children to ride a bike, I knew they would fall over.<br> Catechetical Corner- Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again!<br> Caller Question- If I forget a sin, is it forgiven in Confession? What should I do?<br> Caller Question- Does my daughter, who recently passed away, know that my family is in pain?<br>