58 – Auto Insert Content

WordPress Tips and Tricks show

Summary: Learn all my Podcasting Secrets <a href="https://stevehart.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.<br> In this edition of WordPress Tips and Tricks podcast I look at at plugins; Auto Insert Content, WP Quick Draw and YouTube Embed Plus.<br> <a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/auto-insert-content/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Auto Insert Content</a> automatically insert specific content into all of your posts at a specified position. Great for automatically adding a newsletter subscription widget, PayPal donate button or a logo etc.<br> The position of the inserted content if defined by a percentage number you type in and the plugin attempts to find a place between two block-elements (paragraph/list/div) to place your inserted content that is closest to the declared value.<br> <a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-quickdraw" target="_blank" rel="noopener">WP Quick Draw</a> analyzes the images you upload and then resizes and optimizes them for faster delivery on your site. It also loads images as they are needed – so images that are below the line of sight aren’t loaded until the user scrolls down to see them – images are loaded as they are needed (which some themes already do).<br> Best practice though is to optimize all content before you upload it. So if your site requires pictures of 1000px wide, don’t upload images that are 2000px wide. Use your common sense.<br> <a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/youtube-embed-plus/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">YouTube Embed Plus</a>  More than 200,000 current users of this plugin can’t be wrong. If you feature YouTube videos then this plugin may well be worth a whirl as it offers a bundle of options you might like; such as hiding the YouTube logo, automatic looping, hiding related videos when the video ends and hiding player controls etc.<br>