Under a Fallen Sky with Poet/Writer David Greshel: an interview on the Hangin With Web Show

Hangin With Web Show show

Summary: WATCH the Hangin With Web Show on Youtube & SUBSCRIBE! #Comment #Like #Subscribe (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_C2z2k60d6lOj8DFMWDGEA) Host and Award Winning Author & Journalist GW Pomichter interviews Writer and Poet David Greshel during Space Coast Comic Con in Melbourne Florida. David Greshel is a Mississippi born, Florida bred southern guy in love with Rock n Roll and the magic of words strung together to capture the emotional essence of this crazy journey called life. He currently resides in the Brevard County area on the east coast of Florida and spends his days working and spending time with family and friends. He loves live music, traveling, great movies, and all things pop culture. David is the author of two poetry collections - Windows into the Past for the Camera Shy (2012) - and Nomads, Pilgrims, Troubadours (2016). A third volume is scheduled for release in 2018. Neon Sunrise was originally the title of a song written for a band that never went anywhere...but David still thought it was pretty cool. So, when he got around to publishing his first book many years later, he wanted it to have a publishing imprint that identified it as his and so Neon Sunrise Publishing was born. While that has been its main purpose up until now, we want it to be so much more than that. The initial foundation has been laid and we will be turning Neon Sunrise into a full fledged publishing company with a mission of helping people showcase their talents and gifts and provide a medium for them to make that first step into having something they can hold in their hands and say, “this is mine and I made it.” David Greshel On The Web: Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1560190405/fallen-sky-bought-and-sold-a-new-poetry-collection FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/David-Greshel-330291553983645/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/electricpoet217 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-greshel-53632bb1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/electricinfamy/ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/David-Greshel/e/B01LKBU0MK/ GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7567088.David_Greshel YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZT0UYRFEv-jAzYBMwVXCeg Neon Sunrise Publishing On The Web: Web: http://neonsunrisebooks.com/ FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/neonsunrisepub/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neonsunrisepub/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/NeonSunrisePub Like and Comment on videos and interviews. Submit your own questions for the next webisodes! The Hangin With Web Show is the internet's best web talk show series. While attending a writers conference, we noticed that many of the independent authors had never received any media attention. After many conversations, he discovered this was true of artists, indie filmmakers, and event YouTube creators. As a former newspaper reporter, G.W. Pomichter had conducted hundreds of professional interviews and decided at the event to interview these terrific, talented creators. Our mission is to provide comfortable, professional and informative media coverage to members of the arts and entertainment community and distribute these to the world wide web to assist in sharing new creative works with a global internet audience. Find us on the web: http://www.hanginwithshow.com On IMDB (Internet Movie Data Base) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6337920/ G.W. Pomichter on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm8647803/ Help us support these amazing and talented artists and businesses! Check out our partners: Embellish FX Orlando: http://embellishfx.com Pound The Grape: https://www.poundthegrape.com Some'N Unique Magazine: http://www.someuniquemag.com Famous Faces and Funnies: http://www.facebook.com/FFFComics/ Space Coast Comixx: http://www.spacecoastcomixx.com/ Krypton Radio: http://kryptonradio.com Off The Chain Radio: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/yvonnemason Arcane Pacific Entertainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCswUcCsgsczap8okmXNfNYA You, as a viewer are an imp