Go Ask Your Father for December 7, 2018

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Caller Question- Was St. Joseph also immaculately conceived?<br> Caller Question- How can I convince my Protestant husband to learn more about Catholicism?<br> Msgr. Swetland talks about persecutions in the Church around the world, and whether or not Catholics who hold public-sector jobs should use preferred pronouns of transgender people.<br> Caller Question- Aren’t there some non-negotiables, such as transgenderism, that Catholics cannot go along with.<br> Caller Comment- I will not use different pronouns when I talk to my transgender friends, but I will use their preferred name.<br> Catechetical Corner- Pope Francis’s Wednesday General Audience- Prayer in Silence.<br> Caller Comment- I disagree with you and the use of transgender pronouns.<br>