Brexit! Brexit! and more Brexit!

Europe Calling show

Summary: French President Emmanuel Macron caved in and suspended hated fuel tax hikes in a victory for the Yellow Vest protesters. In a humiliating U-turn, the government said it was planning to freeze upcoming increases on regulated electricity and gas prices following emergency talks at the Elysee Palace. Vox has swept its way into the Andalusian regional parliament on a national platform that includes no specific plans for the region. The far-right party rejects Spain’s highly decentralized system granting devolved powers to the regions (known in Spanish as the Estado autonómico), even though this system is encoded in the Spanish Constitution. Vox also does not believe in the electoral system that has just earned it nearly 400,000 votes and 12 seats in the regional legislature. With a populist 100-point program that smacks of Donald Trump (including calls for an “insurmountable” wall along the borders of the Spanish exclave cities of Ceuta and Melilla), Vox’s Andalusian candidate, Francisco Serrano, aims to begin the “reconquest” of Spain............No to immigration. The party plans to “control immigration flows depending on the needs of our national economy and of the new arrivals’ ability to integrate into Spanish society and accept our values. There will be country quotas with favorable treatment for nationalities who share our language and who have significant cultural and friendship ties with Spain.” As for illegal immigrants, Vox wants to deport them all and to go after non-profit groups that help them get to Spain. AROUND 1,000 people took to the streets of Malaga City on Monday to protest against the election of members of a far right political party to Andalucia’s regional assembly. SPAIN will now export an expanded range of pork products and table grapes to China following an agreement made as part of the framework of President Xi Jinping’s visit last month. PUPILS at the Mojacar Rey Alabez Institute in Almeria learnt about the potential dangers associated with social media at a talk given by Juvenile Court Judge Rafael Soriano Gruzman. Theresa May suffered three humiliating defeats on Brexit on Tuesday in the worst hour for a sitting Prime Minister in 40 years. The Commons voted to give MPs the power to demand a 'plan B' on Brexit if the PM's deal is voted down, hold the government in contempt for the first time in history, and forced ministers to publish the full legal advice on Brexit. The most senior judge at the European Court of Justice has concluded that Britain would not need permission from the 27 other states to halt the Article 50 process - and could retain the same membership terms. The opinion from Advocate General Manuel Campos Sanchez-Bordona comes after months of legal wrangling - with both the EU and the UK government trying to kill the case off. Nigel Farage warned Tommy Robinson’s appointment as an advisor on prison reform and ‘Muslim rape gangs’ risked turning Ukip into the new BNP. Announcing his resignation in a newspaper article, the former party leader wrote: 'And so, with a heavy heart, and after all my years of devotion to the party, I am leaving Ukip today. A bitter row between a step-father, a headteacher, and a police officer outside a high school over the man's 'frightening' cycling face mask has been captured on video. A father has been shot dead in front of stunned children while picking up children from school in Belfast. The incident happened near St Mary's Grammar School in West Belfast