Promoting Fairness, Equity, and Human Rights in Tech

Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society: Audio Fishbowl show

Summary: Perspectives from Europe and the US on a Law and Policy Agenda Digital technologies affect the lives of billions of people around the world daily. The decisions of private platforms and tech developers — and the public institutions that regulate their conduct — can shape public discourse, with profound impacts on democracy, liberty, autonomy, and governance. This panel provides a broad overview of the landscape for regulating cutting-edge digital technologies in Europe and the US. The discussion focuses on mechanisms for ensuring tech developers and platforms build and deploy their products and services in a manner that is consistent with fundamental human rights, including the rights to freedom of expression and privacy. Panelists bring a wealth of experience to the table and will address considerations with respect to the role that strategic litigation, legislation and regulation, and multi-stakeholder initiatives that operate outside of government can play in setting a human rights tech agenda. Topics of discussion will include the advent of a new privacy regime in Europe in the form of the General Data Protection Regulation; challenging surveillance in the age of mass data collection; the complex landscape for platforms making content moderation decisions; and the long-range impact of technologies that incorporate algorithms, AI, and, machine learning. Participants include Nani Jansen Reventlow, Can Yeginsu, Vivek Krishnamurthy, and Jessica Fjeld (Panel Moderator). For more info on this event visit: