MindBody TV with Dr. Kim D'Eramo "More EASE JOY FREEDOM! #124

MindBody TV Podcast with Dr. Kim D'Eramo show

Summary: Life pretty much reflects whatever WE DECIDE we get to have. We each have a certain amount of Joy/Love/Ease that we believe we should be allowed. If things go above this “set point,” we put on the brakes and wait for “the other shoe to drop.” If things go below “set point,” miraculously things seem to happen that make it all okay. Life is responding to OUR conclusions and beliefs about how good we get to have it. So how can we raise our set point for Joy/Love/Freedom/Health, so we receive more? (or better yet, how can we dissolve our “set point” so we receive infinitely??!!) In this MindBody TV I shared how to “Raise Your Joy Set Point” so you expand and receive more than ever before.