Go Ask Your Father for November 27, 2018

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Caller Questions- Do Catholic believe in praying in tongues? When were priests allowed to be married?<br> Caller Question- Was Vatican II necessary?<br> Caller Question- Why do we have statues and religious images if the Bible forbids it?<br> Caller Question- Why was it not okay for King David to take a census of the people?<br> Caller Question- Can you explain Matthew 16:27-28?<br> Caller Question- How do we know what Jesus looks like?<br> Caller Question- What is the origin of eating fish on Fridays during Lent?<br> Catechetical Corner- Advent and the liturgical year.<br> Caller Question- If Christ is the Head of the Church and the Holy Spirit guides the Church, why is the Church in such trouble now?<br>