Episode #306 – Congo Gets the Shaft

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: Welcome to our Latin American bonanza!<br> <br> Scientists have figured out that Jesus was a short man with curly hair. Find out why.<br> <br> Facebook is mad at Elder Oaks for apparently knocking folks' Christmas cards. But is that really what it's all about?<br> <br> Mormons and Muslims have shared a lot of news space this week. It's interesting, no? What do the two share? And why so much cross-news traffic?<br> <br> Ken Niumatalolo is reportedly taking meetings with BYU to replace Bronco Mendenhall. If so, we demand his segment from Meet the Mormons be removed.<br> <br> We have lots of temple news, including the dedication of the Tijuana Mexico Temple and groundbreaking dates for the Barranquilla Colombia Temple and the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple. The DRC temple, in particular, is quite interesting and breaks with tradition.<br> <br> Did you know the Church is against dowries? This is the sort of stuff we don't hear about much in the US, but these are real issues that face Mormonism in other parts of the world.<br> <br> Peggy Fletcher Stack really stretches to publish an Ordain Women article, but would "most" Mormons really get behind such a radical change if it came from the Prophet?<br> <br>