Dreamer vs Doer: The only thing stopping you from achieving

Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability show

Summary: You set goals, yet you don’t achieve them. Time and time again you find yourself stopping midway between the start and finish lines. You start off running out of the gate, enthused and driven to make a difference this time, but each time, something derails you from sticking to the game plan. It’s the classic paradox of Dreamer vs. Doer. As you know, my Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule (https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/excuses-dont-count-results-rule-book/) philosophy is the basis for my coaching business because excuses are never the real reason you stop short of your goals. No, the real reason is something entirely different. So, what’s the real reason behind all those excuses you make? You are simply not willing to do what it takes to achieve your goals. You just don’t want what you say you want badly enough to actually do what it takes. This is the real reason, and the only thing, stopping you from achieving your goals. Plain and simple. Commitment is what separates the dreamer from the doer. No matter what the nature of the excuse is the only reason you stop short of achieving your goal is because the desire to do whatever it takes to achieve the goal isn’t strong enough. In other words - you don’t want it bad enough to commit to being a doer. If you’re tired of start-stop goal setting, here are some tips for helping you understand the reasons behind not wanting it bad enough: The Payoff Isn’t High Enough Sometimes the payoff (future benefit) of goal achievement isn’t enough to maintain your motivation in the now. That last mile....that last lap…that last squat… another phone call to a prospect… it can be challenging to find the motivation from the payoff - especially when it isn’t high enough. Your payoff should be so enticing that there is no question in your mind that you are sticking to your game plan. No questions, no excuses. You desire that payoff so deeply that you will to do whatever it takes to achieve your goal. Just being willing to do something doesn’t mean you will actually do it. Flip The Payoff/Pain Coin If you simply cannot find a future payoff worth your commitment or high desire, flip the coin and focus on the current pain of remaining where you are. You can bet that at some point you will have to do what you don’t feel like doing in order to get where you want to go. It is in those crucial moments where you must decide if you desire to remain a dreamer and become a doer. Whatever is not motivating you - flip the coin and focus on the contrasting factor. Payoff or Pain? Choose the motivating factor that helps you move from dreamer to doer. Your Current Pain Isn’t Great Enough Perhaps you stop yourself from achieving your goals because your current pain is simply not great enough. The idea of achieving the goal incites your interest, but not your commitment. The end result sounds nice, and if you could wave a magic wand without having to do the work, you gladly would; but you’re not so bad off. Here’s how the internal conversation plays out: I’d like to lose those last 10 lbs., but I feel okay about my body the way it is. I’ll starting worrying about when my pants quick fitting. Sure, I’d like more clients, but that means more calls, more times I have to ask for referrals, more networking, and more marketing - time and money I don’t have. I’m getting by - I guess I’m doing okay. It’s not so bad here. Do you want to be here - in this same place – tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, three years from now? Do you want to continue the start-stop game of self-sabotage? Do you want to negotiate your happiness? Or do you finally want to get on with it? Going from a dreamer to a doer isn’t always cut-and-dry. It’s up to you to become your own best motivator by paying attention to how you’re feeling and leveraging it. If you’re currently motivated by the positive feelings of a future payoff - go with it. On the other hand, if you’re current motivation is the displeasure of a