Progressive Commentary Hour - 08.15.18

Progressive Commentary Hour show

Summary: Geoengineering's failed efforts to curb climate change, its blowback on the environment , methane threats and governments' efforts to mask the severity of our climate change crisis   Dane Wigington is a geoengineering scientist with a background in solar energy who is highly regarded as one of the foremost experts and commentators on stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and solar radiation management.   He is a former employee at Bechtel Power Corporation and worked on the first commercial solar plants in the United States.  As a climate researcher, Dane has been studying the issue of geoengineering and chemtrails for over a decade.  He has appeared  in numerous documentary films and pubic appearances educating the public about the adverse effects of weather modification and is featured in Michael Murphy’s documentary “Why in the World are They Spraying.” He lives on his wildlife preserve near Lake Shasta in Northern California. And it was through his observations in the change of the forests, atmosphere, biodiversity and health of the land that alerted him to the implications of excessive geoengineering operations in his region. Dane hosts the weekly radio broadcast Global Alert News every Wednesday at 2 pm Eastern Time on the Progressive Radio Network and directs the website GeoEngineeringWatch. org for the latest updates and commentaries on geoengineering science and its adverse effects.