Jack Benny – Little Red Riding Hood. 371219

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Jack and Don joke around about writing to Santa Claus, and acting like kids again. Jack gives Don a novelty Christmas gift, but Jack is offended at not getting anything in return. Even Phil gets a gift from Jack, and again with nothing in<br><br> <a href="http://www.otrcat.com/258-4-1-5.html" target="_blank"></a><br><br> return. Mary shows off her special charm bracelet, but can you tell there's a trend developing? <br> Phil plays, She Saw She Came She's Terrific. <br> Jack and mary both offer gifts to the members of the band. Kenny continues the trend of gift giving when Jack gives one, but doesn't receive one. A delivery comes and he is surprised to learn the cast hasn't forgotten him afterall. <br> Kenny sings, Once in a While. <br> The cast do a play just for the kiddies, Little Red Riding hood. Jack assigns the parts to the cast. As the elderly Mr and Mrs Hood decorate their Christmas tree, the bickering couple are visited by their son Kenny and daughter Little Red. Since Andy Devine gets to play grandma, Red is on the way with some soup and cigars. <br> Though Red is saved from the wolf by the Jello commercial, grandma isn't so lucky. Will woodchopper Phil be able to rescue Little Red in time? You know he will.<br>